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The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat
The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat
Pictures of our Guest

click in video box below to start our short WWW Intro Video

Video: WWW Intro Video

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Riddler Tribute Page

Pictures of some of our feline guests....

Wow, these windows are H-U-G-E!! I LOVE these big window seats! Look at me! I climbed to the top!

Rub my tummy! Rub my tummy! ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz.... Cold out there, but warm and toasty in here!

My chiropractor says I should sleep on my back... A bed fit for a Princess! Hmmm... does this LazyBoy recline??

Hey, what's down there? Who! Who! Who! Who let the Cats Out?! I'm just one very handsome dude, eh?

Should I jump up there or watch the birds from here? Mmmm, Fancy Feast!! I can see the birdies just fine, thank you!

Why is the world all upside down? Shhhh! I think I heard a can being opened! Comfy chair! Mine, all mine!

My oh my, I DO love my toys! Nice, comfy pillow, huh? Hey, did you see that? Did you? Did you?

Prowling time! What? The warning label said only ONE at a time on the ladder?! WHAT tiger???

These steps, this view... it's the 'cat's meow!' Nap time, kids! Birdies? Squirrels? Deer? Am I safe in here?

Life at The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat is Soooo rough! Um, you know, my dear.. we're staring at the wall... the window is BEHIND us! Hey, a little privacy, please!?

What time does the maid come to turn down my bed? I wonder if my humans are having this much fun right now? Yawn... this bird-watching sure makes me sleepy!

Best Buds Forever!! Hey! Can't a girl just crawl into her condo and take a nap without you paparazzi catching her?!! Siesta time in the sun!

Mmmmm... that sun feels SOOOoo good! Ohhhh, a beautiful snowy day out there! Hey, would you mind putting another quarter in the 'vibrating condo', please?

Scratch scratch scratch scratch... He likes the 4-post bed. I prefer the window. Blue skies out there, lots of TLC in here!

Wow! Look at the DEER!!! Lick lick lick lick... Oh yes, I've found MY spot for my afternoon nap...

Oh, yes! Right there! Yes!! I'm just SOOOooo pretty, wouldn't you agree? If I stare at it long enough, it will come to me!

The view is even better than in the brochures, huh? This blue mouse matches my blue eyes! What? Those sunbeams were over HERE when I feel asleep!

This dresser drawer is just right for me! And they didn't charge any extra for this luxury suite!! I'm ready for my close-up!!

Kitty's all comfy in the basket! WHAT cat statue?? OH MY!! What a beautiful sunset!!

Eeeks! A mouse!!! So what? So she got the chair? I like THIS spot even better! Oh, this feels Sooooo good!

Shhhh! We're playing a game of 'hide and seek'!! Love the kid-size chairs! Sometimes I get dressed up in my tuxedo for dinner.

We also have some photos of our facility... simply click on the small thumbnail pictures below to see them!

The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat

The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat

Check out some of our fun videos on YouTube:

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choose The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat for their long-term care!

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The Sunshine Home at This Old Cat